Every analyst (the term we use for our reviewers) has access to literally decades of experience. This is because AffirmX does not approach artifact reviews in the same way as most companies. When our analysts sit down to review an artifact, they use review questionnaires that have been carefully designed by our senior personnel who average more than 25 years of experience. They have created a tool to deliver to our capable analysts the most powerful artifact guidance system.
AffirmX’s system uses risk factors for artifact reviews. Analysts with baseline experience are given those tasks appropriate to their level with corresponding levels of oversight from senior personnel. As they progress in capacity, skills, and application of knowledge, they are assigned more complex artifacts. At each stage of an analyst’s artifact review learning progression, senior personnel work with the analyst to enhance their understanding and to constantly improve their capacity and accuracy.
The full artifact review process also has hierarchical process of review where output goes through a designed flow. Artifacts of higher risk are not only assigned to more senior analysts, but also reviewed by our Artifact Review Center Manager when appropriate. The ARC Manager further reviews those artifacts where the review process has identified significant observations.
The combination of the above efforts guided through the automated systems of AffirmX result in exceptional efficiency and value.