Has InfoSight tried to acquire AffirmX?

InfoSight and AffirmX have had many discussions about the value of the AffirmX compliance solution and how it provides a new dimension to the process of staying compliant and could enhance InfoSight's online compliance website. While we can neither confirm nor deny that any such agreements around the acquisition of AffirmX were discussed, we can [...]

By |2013-05-13T20:31:54-04:00May 13th, 2013|FAQs|Comments Off on Has InfoSight tried to acquire AffirmX?

Are there lower-cost compliance resources available?

The lowest-cost compliance resource undoubtedly remains the information from the regulatory agencies. Of course, they’re also the one who deliver the highest cost non-compliance adherence penalties so take that resource for what it’s worth. Nonetheless, the information regularly produced by the federal agencies is extensive and available at no material cost. As would be expected, [...]

By |2013-05-06T14:43:21-04:00May 6th, 2013|Compliance Tips, FAQs|Comments Off on Are there lower-cost compliance resources available?