How to Practice Sound “Self-Policing”
with a Compliance Risk Assessment:
Keeping Pace with Rising Regulatory Expectations
Date: 8.29.2013
Time: 12-1:30 pm Eastern
Fee: $260 ($99 for clients of AffirmX and AdvisX)
With its recent guidelines on “Responsible Business Conduct,” the CFPB just raised the stakes for all financial institutions, whether regulated by the CFPB or not. As the already-sizable and still growing regulatory agency continues its full-court press to set the pace for compliance expectations for all agencies, its newly published guidelines establish four new hallmarks of a “responsible” financial institution: a) it self-polices to identify compliance violations; b) it self-reports any identified violations; c) it takes steps to fix any identified violations; and d) it fully cooperates with regulators conducting their discovery efforts.
By labeling such conduct as “responsible business” practices, the Bureau has dangled a carrot in front of compliant financial institutions in the form of favorable treatment when it comes to considering the extent of enforcement actions it may choose to apply, if violations are found.
At the same time, reading between the lines would seem to suggest that the Bureau has introduced a new stick for those institutions who fail to “opt in” and are subsequently found to be in violation of compliance regulations: the de facto label of an “irresponsible business” that can expect to feel the full weight of the agency’s enforcement muscle.
In this webinar, we’ll break down the recently released “Responsible Business Conduct” guidelines. We’ll also provide you with a detailed overview of how to organize your “self-policing” efforts (a.k.a. your compliance risk assessment) to better meet regulatory expectations without “breaking the bank” in terms of overburdening resources or committing to expensive software or “boots on the ground” solutions.
In this fast-moving and thorough 90-minute webinar, we’ll cover:
- The ins and outs of the now-infamous CFBP Bulletin 2013-06,”Responsible Business Conduct: Self-Policing, Self-Reporting, Remediation, and Cooperation”
- The 8 essential elements of the smart compliance risk assessment
- OCAF: The safe way to organize your exception resolution efforts to keep violations on the radar so that small ones don’t become large
- The 4 frequently overlooked “leading compliance indicators,” such as a solid record retention program and well-documented training, that would be a mistake to neglect.
The webinar fee includes an engaging 75-minute presentation, a 15-minute Q&A session, and one free individual follow-up Q&A via email to the webinar presenter (query must be received within 30 days of the webinar). It also includes access to three compliance management tools that you’ll want to use to strengthen your financial institution’s compliance program.
About AffirmX Webinars: AffirmX webinars are refreshingly different than most webinars in the industry. Our webinars are not only presented by subject matter experts with hands-on experience in their particular fields, but each session is replete with content that is informative and current, and presented in ways that are engaging, using a range of tools that will help keep attendees attentive. Participating attendees will also receive a certificate of successful completion upon request.
What: How to Practice Sound “Self-Policing” with a Compliance Risk Assessment: Keeping Pace with Rising Regulatory Expectations
When: Aug. 29, 12:00-1:30 pm Eastern
Webinar Fee: $260 ($99 for clients)
Click to Register:
Presenter: As President of AdvisX, Mr. Agle brings over 25 years of regulatory risk management experience covering numerous facets of bank and credit union operations. Mr. Agle specializes in strategic regulatory response and in developing and implementing both proactive and reactive tools and systems to preempt and resolve issues affecting today’s financial institution. He is the author of numerous policy manuals and articles on risk compliance, including “4 Elements of an Effective Enterprise Risk Management Program.” He is a frequent presenter at national and regional conferences and webinars.
Prior to his consulting experience, Mr. Agle had been a Bank Examiner with the FDIC. As a commissioned examiner, Mr. Agle was principally involved in numerous examinations, including Safety and Soundness, Compliance, BSA, IT and Trust.